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Most Recent Paintings
All these paintings are available for sale.

Sunrise at Panther Pond
12" x 16" Acrylic Painting

Curious Octopus
14" x 17" acrylic painting

Sweet Roots
18" x 24" acrylic painting framed

Octopus Garden with Donuts
16" x 20" acrylic painting framed

Tuna Tacos
18" x 24" acrylic painting framed

Reading Dummy Traffic Light
12" x 16" acrylic painting

European Farmer's Market
12" x 9" acrylic painting

European Farmer's Market 2
12" x 9" acrylic painting

Row of Fruits
4" x 12" acrylic painting

Koi Pond
8" x 8" acrylic painting

Walrus with Donut
6" x 6" acrylic painting

Dolphin with Donut
6" x 6" acrylic painting

Elephant with Donut
6" x 6" acrylic painting

Beach at the Seagull Hotel, Truro, MA
16" x 14" x 2"

Donuts in Monet"s Lily Pond
24" x 18"
acrylic painting framed
acrylic painting framed

Octopus with Donuts
10" x 8"
acylic painting
acylic painting

Lunch at the Sandwich Tea Room
14" x 17" acrylic painting framed

Dragon Fruit with Barcode
4" x 4" acrylic painting

Chocolate Easter Bunny
6" x 6" acrylic painting

4" x 4" acrylic painting

Bowl of Peas
6"x 6" acrylic painting

4" x 4" acrylic painting

Bunch of Carrots
4" x 4" acrylic painting

6" x 6" x 1" acrylic painting

4" x 4" acrylic painting
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